Download World of Animals Book of Dogs Canines – 4th Edition 2019 (.PDF)
Download World of Animals Book of Dogs Canines 4th Edition 2019 (.PDF)
If you are a dog lover or a fan of wildlife, you will love this book. World of Animals Book of Dogs Canines is a comprehensive guide to the canidae family, which includes both domestic dogs and wild canines. You will learn about the evolution, diversity, intelligence, emotions, social relationships, and communication of canids, as well as their history, ancestry, breeds, varieties, care, and training. You will also discover the amazing wolves, foxes, and other wild dogs that live across the world, and how they adapt to different habitats and challenges. This book is full of stunning photos, fascinating facts, and engaging stories that will make you appreciate these remarkable animals even more.
In this article, we will tell you why you should download this book as a PDF file, and how you can do it easily and quickly. We will also give you some tips on the best devices and apps to read this book on. So let's get started!
The Canidae Family
The Evolution and Diversity of Canids
The canidae family is one of the oldest and most diverse groups of mammals on Earth. They originated from a small carnivorous ancestor called Miacis, which lived about 40 million years ago. Over time, they evolved into different branches, such as bears, raccoons, weasels, skunks, hyenas, cats, and dogs. The dog branch split into two subfamilies: the extinct Borophaginae, which were large and powerful predators; and the Caninae, which are the modern canids we know today.
The Caninae subfamily consists of about 37 species in 13 genera. They range in size from the tiny fennec fox (which weighs less than a kilogram) to the massive gray wolf (which can weigh up to 80 kilograms). They inhabit every continent except Antarctica, and have adapted to various environments such as forests, grasslands, deserts, mountains, tundras, and even urban areas. They have a similar body plan with long legs, pointed ears, bushy tails, and sharp teeth. They also have a keen sense of smell, hearing, and vision.
The Intelligence and Emotions of Canids
Canids are among the most intelligent animals in the world. They have large brains relative to their body size, and they can learn from experience, solve problems, use tools, communicate with each other, and cooperate with humans. Some studies have shown that dogs can understand human gestures, words, emotions, and intentions better than any other animal. They can also recognize themselves in mirrors, which is a sign of self-awareness.
Canids also have a rich emotional life. They can feel joy, sadness, anger, fear, love, jealousy, and empathy. They can express their emotions through facial expressions, body language, vocalizations, and behaviors. They can also form strong bonds with their mates, offspring, pack members, and human companions. They can grieve for the loss of their loved ones, and even mourn for other animals. They can also show altruism, which is the willingness to help others at a cost to oneself.
The Social Relationships and Communication of Canids
Most canids are social animals that live in groups called packs. The pack is usually composed of a breeding pair and their offspring, but sometimes it may include other relatives or unrelated individuals. The pack provides protection, cooperation, and companionship for its members. The pack has a hierarchy based on age, sex, and dominance. The dominant pair (usually the oldest and largest) is the leader of the pack, and they make decisions, control resources, and breed. The subordinate members follow the rules and signals of the dominant pair, and they help with hunting, guarding, and raising the young.
Canids communicate with each other using a variety of methods. They use vocalizations such as barks, howls, growls, whines, yips, and squeaks to convey information about their location, identity, mood, intentions, and needs. They use body language such as postures, gestures, movements, and eye contact to show their dominance, submission, aggression, playfulness, curiosity, and affection. They use scent marking such as urine, feces, and anal glands to mark their territory, advertise their reproductive status, and recognize each other. They also use touch such as licking, nuzzling, grooming, and cuddling to reinforce their bonds and comfort each other.
Domestic Dogs
The History and Ancestry of Dogs
Dogs are the oldest and most widespread domestic animals in the world. They have been living with humans for at least 15,000 years, and possibly much longer. They originated from a population of gray wolves that became associated with human hunter-gatherers in Eurasia. These wolves gradually adapted to human lifestyles and environments through natural and artificial selection. They became more docile, friendly, loyal